More Than 30000 Students So Far

A 10-part audio course to engage your heart so that you live from the centre of your life by lovingly coming home to your greater wisdom, authenticity, intelligence and awareness.

This course is a great and robust way to understand your life and who you are authentically and to allow yourself to be centred and congruent with this truth. In many ways, this course is a beautiful accompaniment to the ‘Signposts of The Spiritual Journey’ Book and for you to begin to go deeper with your practice if you are moving on from exploring the guided meditations and so on into a more meaningful daily practice and way of life.

Bless you for setting your feet on your path


What You Will Learn

Over the these ten sessions, I want to share with you the most effective meditation practices I know to help you access the transformative power of your innate awareness so that you begin to meet yourself with kindness and presence, rather than a struggle. This course is not about adding more information to your mix or trying to convince you of anything, it is about the real and meaningful movement towards your sense of wholeness and well-being.

You will begin by meeting your own heart in a tangible way, bringing in the heart’s great power is the key to change. You will quickly start to move towards your own authentic centre, transcending old fears, self-criticism and judgement for the greater joy that is, and always has been, who you really are. 

You will discover how to move beyond the unconscious patterns that have so often caught you in the past, and that by committing to the practice of returning to awareness, you will find that your sense of self-acceptance, your ability to respond to whatever life is presenting you with, and your sense of living your truest life will genuinely begin to deepen and take hold, benefiting yourself and the world with the gift of your authenticity.

Course Details

Session One - One Life Not Many 
In this session, we will learn what really stands between us and our best possible life. We will begin to explore the aspects of mind that we identify with that stand in the way of our own acceptance and authenticity. In gentle guided meditation we will make a clear heart-based agreement with ourselves to keep meeting and returning to ourselves with love, and we will commit to moving repeatedly with kind awareness, as much as is needed, rather than fighting with ourselves anymore. We will begin to end the war with ourselves.

Session Two – Accepting Who?
In this session, you will learn to access your body’s innate wisdom, and your own natural awareness. We began to investigate the nature of object consciousness in the previous session, now we will begin to explore, through a simple awareness gathering practice, how you can begin to see your own conditioned patterns and discover that having an honest awareness of these patterns is the key to allowing yourself a little space to begin meeting the life that shines within you.

Session Three – From the Edge To The Centre
In this session, we will take the first step into moving from general awareness to heart awareness and being able to meet our underlying emotions and the things that are arising for us, and in many ways controlling us in a way that you can begin to allow them to be what they are, and we can then move on to processing them, healing, and understanding yourself. As you move from the edges of reactive mind to simply rest at the place of your physical heart you can start to meet your emotional centres with greater integrity, acceptance, and love, this is the real beginning of the path home to yourself.

Session Four - Saying Hello 'Me & My Shadow'
In this session we learn how we often can be caught by unconscious patterns playing out under the surface of our life that we try to ignore or push past, and we lose much of our beautiful life. Trying to use the mind to change the unconscious simply does not work, but we can begin to learn to say hello in a kind way and discover how we can open the doors to a new diplomacy and relationship with our unconscious mind and emotions where we find so much of our energy, freedom and joy is held. 

Session Five - Your Body is Where You Live
In this session we will discuss the need to love and care for the wonderful vehicle that is our body. Moving into body awareness we discover that all our life’s expression comes through the body, and we will continue our practice meeting of gently meeting our body with natural kind awareness, which will help you feel a sense of self-acceptance and love. And we will conclude this session by exploring some ways that we can meet our bodies with greater kindness in daily life.

Session Six – From the Emotional Heart into The Spiritual Heart
In this session we will learn the three dimensions of the heart, how the physical heart leads to the emotional heart, and how the emotional heart leads into a place of peace, wholeness, personal intimacy, love, and courage. We learn that these qualities are not something we need to create but are flowering within us. These first five sessions begin to give us a solid ground of being to start meeting and enjoying our lives, and amazingly not once will we have had to be tough with ourselves or force ourselves to do anything as we renew our commitment to keep on returning when things we get caught up.

Session Seven - Your Quirks Are Your Best Feature
In this session we will celebrate our quirks, the wonderful things that make us, that sometimes we worry about because we might not feel like belong, so we hide away the very things that give us our spark and our step. You will need a journal and a pen for this session for a short writing session in which, and you will celebrate yourself and your expressions of life. We will consider what small realistic that step you can make today to allow our joy in, and in the words of my mother, we will learn how we must ‘keep a little something for ourselves,’ to keep a twinkle in our eyes.

Session Eight – Self-Inquiry
In this session we will look at the ancient practice of self-inquiry that has been used by the great teachers across millennia to help people experience real freedom in their lives. It is a very simple practice that when done at the level of the awareness and heart can create so much space for us to really understand who we are and to feel real intimacy with our spirit and our outer lives. You will enter new areas of self-discovery and trust within yourself so that authenticity begins to shine through in your daily actions and life.

Session Nine – Authenticity is Awakening
In this session you will learn that we no longer need the masks you have worn for so long. That you can begin to live from the still yet dynamic centre of your life in mind, body, heart, and spirit. The movement towards authenticity, and the commitment that you make to yourself by turning up in your life and practice each day in awareness will allow you to start feeling the solid ground under your feet. We will also deepen our practice of feeling the authentic ‘I Am’ within us so that you can meet yourself, other people, and life with a greater meaning and wholeness.

Session Ten – From The Centre Outwards
In this session we will explore further how we can move in our daily lives with real self-acceptance, proactivity, and meaning from the very real sense of awareness and presence developing at our very core, we will gently review the key aspects of what we have covered in the previous nine sessions, and look towards how we move forward from here with greater love for ourselves based in the here and now, and lead us into our daily lives with authenticity, strength, and grace, as the road rises to meet your (grounded) feet.

Some Reviews:

‘A truly exceptional course John. Thank you for sharing your wisdom here. Your take on meditation and practice seems so simple yet is so effective. I’ve been struggling a lot recently with life. I feel like this course is a turning point for me and has helped me understand my path better. From the bottom of my heart, thank you’
Andy - UK

‘If I could give 100 stars I would.
This course will slowly and lovingly change your life.’
Melissa - California, USA

‘True insight to light your way on the path to an authentic life.’
Jen - USA

‘I will carry your teachings with me in the basket of things that really matter to me.’
Larry - Oregon, USA

‘This course is a great sandblasting of the awareness and a siren to be true to who you are. What a gift!’
Erin - Pennsylvania, USA

‘Thank you for this course and all your other meditations and poetry reading. God has you in the right place and it seems you have God in the right place.’
Mo - Texas, USA

‘The guided meditations are excellent and and very effective. I can feel a transmission of deep presence and heart-centeredness in them and John seems to know exactly what to say, and when to say it, to draw you in to a deep meditative state. There is food for life in this course’ 
Richard - Sweden

‘What a beautiful course. Thank you from my lovely heart to yours. Your voice, your guidance , your thoughtful responses are all amazing.’
Kate - Denver, USA

‘This course is filled with so many heartfelt ideas that I want to gently introduce into my daily life.’
Linda - Illinois, USA

‘Through no nonsense easy to grasp talks, John dives down straight to the core, to the very essence.’
Jeroen - Belgium

‘So full of humble wisdom. Every word spoken resonated with my heart on a profound level, like something I already deeply understood but was fragmented and confused, John gathered it all together in a beautifully eloquent, present and human way, full of love.’
Emily - United Kingdom